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Healthy Skin is Beautiful

A smooth, shiny skin like velvet; Everyone wants to have shiny, bushy, shiny hair and healthy nails. Skin, hair and nails are the mirror of our body health.

A healthy skin is smooth, shiny, healthy hair and nails grow quickly, do not break, do not break. In other words, when it comes to skin, health and beauty cannot be separated from each other. That’s why I’m going to talk about skin diseases sometimes, and sometimes about skin health and beauty. I will try to answer any questions you may have about these issues.

me from time to time; “What are the differences between dermatologist, dermatologist, dermatologist and venereal disease specialist, skin health and diseases specialist?” is asked. These are all the same. It is the title of physicians who specialize in skin diseases for 4 years after studying medicine for 6 years and becoming a doctor.

A dermatologist specializes not only in the skin, but also in the areas of nails and hair, which are extensions of the skin. At the same time, since skin health and beauty are not separated from each other, they also have knowledge and skills on these issues.

If it is a venereal disease; means a sexually transmitted disease. Diseases transmitted by intercourse such as syphilis, AIDS, soft chancre, warts in the genital area, and herpes fall under the specialty of skin diseases, as they can cause symptoms such as redness, swelling and wounds both in the genital area and in other parts of the body.

I would like to briefly talk about the structure and functions of the skin, our largest organ.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, with a surface area of ​​approximately 2 square meters and a weight of 4 kilograms. It is made of two layers, upper leather and middle leather.

The epidermis is approximately 0.5 millimeters and is completely renewed in 4-6 weeks. The outermost cells are dead and shed, making room for new arrivals from below. Some cells in the upper skin contain the pigment melanin, which gives the skin its color.

Collagen and elastic fibers in the lower skin keep the skin flexible and durable. In addition, sweat glands, hair follicles, nerve endings, capillaries and sebaceous glands are located in this region.

Although it varies according to the regions in each square centimeter of the skin;

-20 blood vessels

-100 sweat glands

-70 hair follicles

There are about 170 nerve endings.

In this way, the skin; It plays a role in maintaining body temperature, removing toxic substances from the body by sweating, feeling cold, hot pain and pressure sensations with nerve endings. Sebaceous glands contribute to protection by giving oil and moisture to the skin and scalp.

While there are no sebaceous glands on the palms and soles, these areas are very rich in sweat glands.

Shape and strength of nails, stains and lines on them, thinning of hair, loss, changes in quality; they give clues about some diseases such as anemia, malnutrition, goiter.

Hair and nails are called skin appendages. Since living parts are in the skin, they are closely related to the skin and general body health. For skin health, it is necessary to have a balanced and versatile diet, adequate sleep, avoid excessive sun exposure, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use, and keep the moisture content of the skin in balance with the right cosmetic products. Although aging is a natural process planned by genes, it can be slowed down by paying attention to environmental factors.

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