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Herpes virus, which causes herpes, causes painful, water-filled blisters on the skin. Depending on the type of virus, this infection mostly occurs around the mouth and nose or in the genital area. It may recur frequently in some people. It is severe in patients with chronic diseases and newborns.

Herpes virus Type 1
The type called type 1 virus mostly causes cold sores around the mouth. Many people get the virus when they are young. The virus is usually transmitted from family members or friends. Transmission occurs through kissing or the use of shared objects. Blisters usually develop on the lips, mouth, nose, chin, or cheeks shortly after contact with an infected person, usually clearing within a week.

Bubbles can be of various numbers. Before it develops, there is itching and tenderness on the skin. It bursts easily and becomes oozing, crusty. This initial post-herpes wound heals completely and rarely leaves a scar. However, the virus continues to settle in nerve cells and remain there silently. For this reason, in some cases where the body resistance decreases, the disease recurs. Other illnesses, fever, sun exposure, extreme fatigue, stress, fear, rapid weight loss, and menstruation can cause herpes to reappear. When herpes reappears, it usually develops near where it first appeared. Recurrent infections tend to be milder than the first.

Herpes virus Type 2
This type of virus causes herpes in the genital area after sexual contact with the infected person. When seen for the first time, it causes painful and itchy sore, fever, muscle pain and burning when urinating. Although herpes caused by this virus can occur in other areas, it is usually in the area below the waist. This, like the other type, can cause recurrent infections.

Diagnosis is easy as the appearance of these virus infections is typical. However, sometimes material for laboratory examination can be taken from the infection area or antibodies against the virus can be searched in the blood.

Today, there are effective drugs against this virus. These drugs are used both to accelerate the recovery of the disease and to prevent its recurrence. However, the virus located in the nerve cannot be eliminated.

When herpes is seen around the mouth, contact with others and the use of common items should be avoided. In the presence of herpes in the genital area, a condom must be used during intercourse. However, it has been understood that the disease can be contagious during periods of inactivity.

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