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Puberty Acne Should Be Treated

Puberty acne is often perceived as one of the normal signs of early teenage years. However, these acnes are only seen in young people whose sebaceous glands overproduce.

If puberty acne is not treated, it can adversely affect the psychology of the young person during this sensitive period, as well as his relationships with his environment and friends.

How does acne occur?

Acne vulgaris is actually a sebaceous gland disease. The age of first appearance is determined as 12-15 years. If the skin, which begins to produce excessive oil during this period, is not cleaned sufficiently, the tip of the sebaceous glands becomes clogged and microbes begin to reproduce in it. As a result, acne can occur in the form of black spots, roughness or purulent, painful cysts.

Will it go away on its own?

The production of skin oil, called sebum, functions under the control of hormones. The continuation of intense oil production during the youth years, when hormones are at their highest level, can continue the development of acne. The overactivity of the sebaceous glands slows down over the years. Adolescent acne also decreases or disappears completely over time. However, this improvement can take years.

Do you need treatment?

Treatment is very necessary in two ways. A person with acne may find it difficult to participate in social life. Today, appearance greatly affects our relations with the social environment. It is difficult for young people with acne to feel happy in friendship, school and work environments. It is necessary to prevent the best youth years from passing with worries about appearance. In addition, untreated acne can leave scars. The increased scars can give the face a recessed, rough, sometimes dark and red appearance.

Can scars be treated?

Although scars can be treated with methods such as laser, peeling, dermaroller, dermabrasion, it is a fact that these procedures will not be as easy as treating acne in a timely manner.

Does hormonal disorder cause acne?

If acne in young girls is accompanied by menstrual irregularity, excessive hair growth and weight gain, a condition called ‘polycystic ovary syndrome’, in which many cysts are seen in the ovaries, may be the case. Hormone tests are also recommended for women who start in their twenties, although they do not have acne during puberty. In these cases, acne can be associated with cysts and tumors that secrete excessive hormones.

Are there any other reasons that trigger acne formation?

In the one-week period before menstruation and in the presence of stress or tension, acne increases.

What should be done for acne treatment?

There are two main approaches to the treatment of acne. First of all, it is necessary to use gels, creams, specially prepared solutions, antibiotics to reduce oil secretion by using drugs containing isotretinoin, which is a permanent and long-established solution, or to clean the excess oil continuously. In addition to this application, regular skin care is beneficial. There are also options such as peeling, ultraviolet, laser treatment.

Does food affect acne formation?

Although research has failed to link acne and diet, we do observe that a calorie-rich diet with excess fat and sugar slightly increases acne. It is also recommended not to take large amounts of nuts, chocolate and carbonated drinks.

What should be considered during treatment?

One of the most important issues is not to squeeze blackheads and inflamed acne. Microbes on our hands and nails can cause widespread infection in this already sensitive area. Also, squeezing pimples causes scarring. Another important point is that the treatment is regular. The overworking of the sebaceous glands can last for years if it cannot be permanently prevented with medication. In the meantime, excess oil should be cleaned regularly with gels, solutions or creams as recommended. Just as we need to brush every day to keep our teeth clean, we also need to take proper care to keep our skin clean.

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